Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour before heading to bed Saturday night – Daylight Saving Time officially starts Sunday, March 10th. While you’re preparing to spring forward, go ahead and test the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Batteries should be replaced twice a year, making the time change a great reminder for this safety check-up.
And as always, adjusting to the new schedule can be difficult – especially when Monday morning comes around. If you’ve struggled with time changes in the past, try preparing your body now for the hour of sleep you will be losing. Simple steps like incrementally moving your bedtime up by 15 minutes or and making sleep a priority have been shown to greatly reduce the negative effects of Daylight Saving.
If you’d like to learn more about time change and its impact on health and sleep, I’ve included a few articles below. Happy Spring!
How Sleep is Affected by Time Change via WebMD
Set Your Clocks Good Sleep via The Good Sleep Council
Prepping Your Kids for Daylight Saving via
Don’t Lose Sleep Over Time Changes via AARP