Online Learning Resources

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Online Learning Resources

With children at home for at least another four weeks, I wanted to pass along a few online resources that offer both entertainment and learning value. Best of all, most of these are educational resources that are free or offering reduced membership rates due to the mass amount of school closures.

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Home Cleaning Guide


Home Cleaning Guide

Our homes are filled with appliances and fixtures that we use regularly (or even depend on daily), but don’t include in our cleaning and maintenance routine. To help keep your home running smoothly and safely, I’ve included a list of 7 areas of the home that are often forgotten about, skipped over, or moved down on the “to-do” list, along with insight into how to properly care for these areas whether by yourself or with the help of a professional.


Spring Forward


Spring Forward

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour before heading to bed Saturday night – Daylight Saving Time officially starts Sunday, March 8th. While you’re preparing to spring forward, go ahead and test the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and review your family’s fire escape plan.
